A unique experience
Unlike a school "master", the consultant trainer combines several abilities:
- observe the situation,
- analyze both client-side and collaborator-side,
- provide the keys for sustainable improvement.
The experience of the consultant trainer and his approach make it possible to be quickly effective with all employees as well as the general management.
This experience is constantly enriched by the diversity of missions.
1. Report
Our interventions are always based on a preliminary observation. It can be the result of an interview between us, or be the subject of a service audit in the form of a mystery shopper.
Each situation is unique. To be more effective, even if you rely on clear objectives, determining the causes remains an essential step.
2. Analysis
Once the observation has been made, it is necessary to study both the causes and the consequences.
This analysis part is the added value of our support, because of our strong experience on the customer side as an operator.
Action Plan
CAP method: Observation, Analysis, and ... Action plan!
The latter can take several forms, advice, training, operational assistance... our solutions are always tailor-made.
Once the mission is completed, a debriefing is carried out with the sponsor who can be accompanied by some of his managers and their teams.